

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Behind the Scenes: Woman of Anger

Woman of Anger. Watercolor and ink on watercolor paper.
This piece has claimed many sleepless nights. For the past week I've gotten around 4 hours of sleep a night and not even realized it.

I started out with a loose sketch, as I usually do with these sorts of paintings, and slowly began to build in color using watercolors. I always begin with the eyes and I fussed over them for quite a long time before moving onto the face.

This is one of those pieces that develops itself out of accidents and subconsciousness. I wanted to display the thought of anger eating away at the mind, but I couldn't quite get it until Sunday night, sleep deprived, when I finally let go of the conscious want for perfection and let the art do its thing.

By the way, I've discussed time and time again about prints but haven't gotten anywhere. Would anyone be interested in buying prints if I set up a way to do so?


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